Keep your pets in your home
- If you are sick, ask someone else in your home who is not sick to care for your pets.
- If everyone in the home is sick or you live alone, it is still best to keep your pets in the home if it is possible to care for them.
- Individuals at higher risk for severe COVID-19 illness (people over 70 years or with underlying health conditions) should avoid being temporary caregivers to exposed animals, if possible.
- Keep the pets isolated to one area of the home in order to minimize contact with other animals or people, if possible Avoid close or prolonged contact with pets
Avoid close or prolonged contact with pets
- Avoid the following contact with the pet as much as possible: snuggling them, kissing them, letting them lick you, sharing food with them, or letting them sleep in your bed or sit on your lap.
Keep pets away from people and other animals
- Keep pets indoors as much as possible.
- When dogs are outside, they should be on a leash and at least two metres away from other people and animals.
- Take precautions when providing care for pets
- Wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer immediately before and after touching the p ets, their food or supplies.
- Do not cough or sneeze near the pets. Always cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue and clean your hands afterwards.
- Always avoid touching your face.
Monitor your pets for any signs of illness if they have been exposed to COVID-19
- If your pet shows signs of illness, call your veterinarian to determine
if your animal needs to be seen at a clinic or can be managed at home.
Prevent exposure to livestock and poultry
- Livestock producers should:
- Follow all existing farm biosecurity measures
- Limit contact with the animals to only contact that is needed to provide their care
- If possible, do not care for your animals if you have:
- been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have symptoms of a respiratory illness
- been exposed to COVID-19 or to someone who is sick with a respiratory illness, or
- travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days
- If you need to care for your animals yourself:
- follow basic infection prevention and control measures as outlined above, and
- clean/disinfect any equipment you touch that will come into contact with the animals
Learn about the virus
COVID-19 is a new virus. It spreads by respiratory droplets of an infected person to others with whom they have close contact such as people who live in the same household or provide care. You can also access up to date information on COVID-19 on the Ontario Ministry of Health’s website: ontario.ca/coronavirus.
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